St Vincent’s Diary
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
Les Shankland, Director of Music
Hebrews 7:23-end, Mark 10:46-end
360 Firmly I believe and truly
359 Fight the good fight.
353 Dear Lord and Father of mankind.
427 O Praise ye the Lord.
The Reverend John Penman, Priest in Charge
Organist, The Reverend William Watt
Ps 124, 125,126, Deuteronomy 32:1-4, John 14:15-26
468 354 250
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
Les Shankland, Director of Music
Revelation 21:1-6a, John 11:32-44
The Reverend John Penman, Priest in Charge
Organist, The Reverend William Watt
Ps 46, Tobit 14:2-end, John 20:19-end
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
Les Shankland, Director of Music
Isaiah 2:3-4, John 15:9-17.