After the Institution photographs

The Reverend John Penman’s Institution on Tuesday 8th June 2021.

Ruth Stark
James Holloway talking to John Kitchen, organist, and Canon Dean Fostekew. Bridget Campbell and Fr William Mounsey behind.
Soft drink in hand, the Reverend John Penman.
Dr Michael Hull and Professor Gordon Graham
The Right Reverend Dr Brian Smith, sometime Bishop of Edinburgh (who had married John and Rachel Penman nine years ago – to the day).
Mrs Jill McClenning with James Holloway and Mrs Brian Smith
Bridget Campbell with Dean Fostekew and William Mounsey
Interim Pastor, David Paton-Williams with Rachel Crick
Dr Oliver Thomas, Dean Fostekew, Bridget Campbell, William Mounsey – Andy Milner,Ruth Stark and Angela Wilson behind
Dr John Armes with Les Shankland
Dr John Armes with Bridget Campbell
Dean Fostekew, Bridget Campbell and Andy Milner, locum treasurer
Andrew Mason, The Reverend Martin Robson and the Reverend David Paton-Williams, the Reverend Linda Harknett, the Reverend Andrew Bain and the Reverend Julia Mason to the far right
Frances Burberry, making her way through the crowd
On the street following the Institution
St Vincent's Chapel, Edinburgh, the village church at the heart of the city.