Contact Us

Priest-in-Charge: The Reverend John Penman, tel. ‭07713 254660‬

Clergy: Canon Professor Michael Hull,

Clergy: The Reverend Fr William L. F. Mounsey,

Clergy: The Reverend Linda Harknett,  tel. 07796 903167‬

Director of Music: Les Shankland,

Sunday Evening Organist: Revd William D Watt,

Vestry Secretary: Bridget Campbell,

Vestry Treasurer: Andy Milner

Property Convener: The Hon Barnaby Miln,

Safeguarding: Gerry Wells,

Magazine Editor: David McDowell,

Befriending: Jane Gauld,

Venue Hire Enquiries: The Hon Barnaby Miln,

General Enquiries: tel 0131 563 9067

Edinburgh Sacred Arts Foundation:

Or come to one of our services to make contact – we’d be delighted to meet you.

SEC Welcome

St Vincent's Chapel, Edinburgh, the village church at the heart of the city.