The Bishop of Edinburgh, with the Dean of Edinburgh, instituted Canon Allan Maclean as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015. These are some of the photographs taken by congregation member Judy Urquhart from high up in the gallery of the church.
The Sacristan, Christopher Hartley, presents a stole to Canon Allan Maclean at his Institution to St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015Canon Allan Maclean is presented with a Bible by Anne Clutterbuck and Holy Oils by Barnaby Miln at his Institution on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015Patricia and Dermott Quinn deliver the communion vessels to Canon Allan Maclean during his Institution Eucharist as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015The Bishop of Edinburgh and Canon Allan Maclean greeting the congregation during the Institution Eucharist on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015With the Bishop and Dean of the Diocese of Edinburgh at the altar, Canon Allan Maclean addresses his new congregation during his Institution on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015The banner of St Vincent, carried by Andy Milner, precedes the clergy following the Institution by the Bishop of Edinburgh of Canon Allan Maclean as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015Clergy process in to the Service of Institution of Canon Allan Maclean as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015The Vestry Secretary, Bridget Campbell, (left) and Treasurer, Michael Paulson-Ellis, (right) present Canon Allan Maclean to the Bishop of Edinburgh at his Institution on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015Susan Paul reads the Epistle during the Institution Eucharist of Canon Allan Maclean as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015The Very Reverend Gilleasbuig Macmillan, late of St Giles’ Cathedral, reads the Gospel during the Institution Eucharist of Canon Allan Maclean as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015The Very Reverend Susan Macdonald, Dean of Edinburgh, preaches at the Institution of Canon Allan Maclean as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015With the Dean at his side, the Bishop of Edinburgh pronounces Canon Allan Maclean as Rector of St Vincent’s, Edinburgh on 22 January 2015The Bishop of Edinburgh with his Chaplain at his side addresses Canon Allan Maclean during his Institution as Rector of St Vincent’s on St Vincent’s Day, 22 January 2015