How to Donate


If you would like to give to St Vincent’s Chapel:

For internet banking St Vincent’s sort code is 83-06-08 and the account number 21702326.


Cheque donations made out to ‘St Vincent’s Chapel’ handed to Lynn Chapman, our Treasurer, placed in the Donation Box in the Vestibule, or in the post to The Treasurer,  St Vincent’s Chapel, St Vincent Street, Edinburgh EH3 6SW.

Single donations and standing orders to Lynn Chapman, our Treasurer in the post to St Vincent’s Chapel, St Vincent Street, Edinburgh EH3 6SW.

Time and donations in kind – please speak to a member of the Vestry or email to 

Gift Aid, please contact our Treasurer, Lynn Chapman

Bequests – the full name for testamentary deeds is:
St Vincent’s Chapel Stockbridge, a charity registered in Scotland, No SC023274.



A real life photograph – the collection plate at the back of St Vincent’s following a service in 2019.
St Vincent's Chapel, Edinburgh, the village church at the heart of the city.