St Vincent’s Diary
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
Les Shankland, Director of Music
Hebrews 4:12-end, Mark 10:17-31
397 Let us with a gladsome mind
257 This is the day the Lord hath made
431 O thou who camest from above.
235 Forth in thy name O Lord I go
The Reverend John Penman, Priest in Charge
Organist, The Reverend William Watt
Ps 127, Joshua 5:13-6:20, Matt 11:20-end.
480 251 353
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge
Les Shankland, Director of Music
Hebrews 5:1-10, Mark 10:35-45
52 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
374 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
383 Jesu, lover of my soul.
368 Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
The Reverend John Penman, Priest in Charge
Organist, The Reverend William Watt
Ps 141, Joshua 14:6-14, Matt 12:1-21.
418 392.242
The Reverend John Penman, Priest-in-Charge