Venue hire


Whilst church services take priority – we are a growing congregation – it is pleasing that St Vincent’s is one of central Edinburgh’s smaller but highly prized venues for a wide range of meetings – learned societies, community council, book launches, bible studies and many more – and especially music making, and of a wide range of music. 

The Refectory at the back of the church has 35 folding chairs, whilst the Nave of the Church seats about 125 in the fixed pews. In the Gallery‘s pews we allow a maximum of 25 people.  The Undercroft can welcome a maximum of 60 people, but has no disabled access at present. The toilet and kitchen upstairs can be included in a hire of the Undercroft.

Our City of Edinburgh Council Public Entertainment Licence allows the maximum number of people to be admitted to the Premises at any one time of 140, and within the hours of 9am to 11pm.

Practise, teach or rehearse in the Nave of church (includes use of Weinbach grand piano), in the Refectory (includes use of Blüthner upright piano) or in the Undercroft (no piano).

Concerts and events in the Nave of church can include use of refectory and kitchen as well as the Weinbach grand piano.

St Vincent’s has wi-fi throughout the building. The wi-fi code is beside the router in the Refectory.

The induction hearing loop covers both the Nave of the church and Undercroft.


Rates 2025

Venue Hire

Nave of the Church (includes use of refectory and kitchen) £18 per hour

Minimum charge per hire £36

Addition for use of Weinbach grand piano £7 per hour up to maximum charge of £25 per hire

Refectory (includes use of kitchen) £12.50 per hour

Minimum charge per hire £25

No additional charge for use of Blüthner upright piano in Refectory

Undercroft (includes use of kitchen) £12.50 per hour

Minimum charge per hire £25


Standalone Hire of Pianos 

Weinbach grand piano £16 per hour

Blüthner upright piano £11 per hour

No minimum charges for standalone hires of pianos, but bookings only by the hour.

Note – hires of pianos alone may be subject to cancellation if preventing new hires of the Nave/Refectory/Undercroft 

Enquiries with a description of your event by email to our Administrator, Samantha Campbell:

The hire of St Vincent’s is subject to the acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. These must be read and accepted before we can confirm a booking:



St Vincent’s and its Undercroft are Venue Number 197 in the annual three-week-long Edinburgh Festival Fringe – the world’s largest arts festival. In 2025 this runs from 1st August to 25th August.

Fringe Venue Manager: The Hon Barnaby Miln, Fringe Assistant Venue Manager: Gerry Wells, Fringe Venue Administrator: Samantha Campbell


Our Director of Music since May 2015 is Les Shankland. He gives organ, piano and basic music lessons.

Our Composer in Residence since March 2016 is Dr Harry Whalley.  Harry is also Reader in Sound and Music at the University for the Creative Arts.



Tim Macdonald’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe performance in August 2022
A talk by the National Galleries of Scotland on the origin of St Vincent’s late Victorian east window as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in August 2021.


Record Store Day organised by VoxBox in St Stephen Street on 13th April 2019. About 650 people visited the church during the day-long event. The event was repeated in 2022 and 2023.
An exhibition of vestments as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in August 2021.
A talk in the Undercoft of St Vincent’s on the art of embroidery as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in August 2021.


St Vincent’s purchased this new Petrof Weinbach 7′ Grand Piano in 2016. Here it is in its place for practising.
St Vincent’s Petrof Weinbach grand piano in position for a recital.
Our Petrof Weinbach grand piano in place for a recital.

The Refectory at the back of the Nave, with the kitchen at the far end

Meeting in progress in the Refectory
St Vincent’s mellow Blüthner piano in the Refectory
Our Blüthner upright piano in the Refectory at the back of the church
St Vincent’s Makin Westmoreland Sapphire organ, installed in July 2021.
The Undercroft below the church is seen here prepared for a talk during the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts. Beyond can be seen a photographic exhibition.
In recent years the Undercroft has also been used as an artist’s studio and exhibition area, a covid-testing station, dining room for film crews working nearby, orchestra rehearsal space, for parties and gatherings and for screen acting courses.
A gathering in the Undercroft following a Scottish Heraldry Society church service. The lighting has since been upgraded.
The Refectory set up as a recording studio for two days of Irish Folk Music in June 2015.
The Refectory set up as a recording studio.
Our well equipped kitchen is an extension to the Refectory.
Our well equipped kitchen is an extension to the Refectory. It is available for tea and coffee making as well as for heating up food.
Prams parked in the vestibule at the entrance of St Vincent’s.
Swords in the umbrella stand during a military wedding at St Vincent’s.





St Vincent's Chapel, Edinburgh, the village church at the heart of the city.