Institution of the Reverend John Penman

A selection of photographs from Tuesday 8th June 2021.

The Reverend John Penman with Rachel Crick, his wife.
The Bishop of Edinburgh welcomes us to the Institution.
Ruth Stark (left) and James Holloway (right) present the Reverend John Penman to the Bishop of Edinburgh.
The Gospel is read by the Reverend Fr William Mounsey, Assistant Priest
The sermon is delivered by the Very Reverend Frances Burberry, Dean of the Diocese of Edinburgh.
Les Shankland, Director of Music, conducts the Coro Vincenzo choir in the gallery.
James Holloway CBE, Vestry chairman, thanks and welcomes
Processing out, with Niccolò Aliano followed by Christopher Hartley and the Bishop of Edinburgh
On the steps of St Stephen’s following the Institution. Christopher Hartley, sacristan, Canon Dean Fostekew, Bishop’s Chaplain, John Penman, Priest-in-Charge, Dr John Armes, Bishop of Edinburgh, Frances Burberry, Dean of the Diocese, Niccolò Aliano, assistant sacristan

St Vincent's Chapel, Edinburgh, the village church at the heart of the city.