Annual Report and Accounts 2021

St Vincent’s Chapel, Stockbridge

St Vincent Street,  Edinburgh  EH3 6SW

Registered Scottish Charity   SC023274

Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2021

Charity Trustees:

  • The Revd John Penman (Priest-in-charge)
  • Vestry Members:   Bridget Campbell

                                      Christopher Hartley

                                      James Holloway  CBE (chairman)

                                      Augusta Maclean

                                       Andrew Mason 

                                        Hon. Barnaby Miln

                                        Andrew Milner

                                        Christina Paulson-Ellis 

                  Ruth Stark MBE

                                         Oliver Thomas

                                         Angela Wilson

Independent examiner  

  • Miss Susan Jarvie


  • Royal Bank of Scotland  36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2AD

Annual Report of the Vestry

The members of the Vestry present their annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2021.

Status of Congregation

We are a congregation whose purposes are to worship God and serve our local community.  We belong to the Diocese of Edinburgh in the Scottish Episcopal Church.  We are subject to the Canons of that Church and to the resolutions of its General Synod.

We are registered as Scottish Charity  SC 023274.

We are represented on the Diocesan Synod for the Diocese of Edinburgh by the Priest-in-charge the Revd John Penman and the Lay Representative Andrew Milner.  We pay an annual quota to the Diocese.

The Hon Barnaby Miln is a lay member of the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church, elected by the Forth Area Council of the Diocese of Edinburgh.  Bridget Campbell is Convener of the Standing Committee of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

St Vincent’s is a member of Comely Bank and Stockbridge Churches Together and also the Forth Area Council of the Diocese of Edinburgh.

The building of St Vincent’s has since 1971 been owned by the Commandery of Lochore of the Order of St Lazarus.  Throughout the period since 1971 the Episcopal Congregation has been maintained, and in 2014 was fully restored as a member congregation of the Diocese of Edinburgh

The church building has been gifted to the Vestry on behalf of St Vincent’s and title is in the process of being transferred.

The Rector, the Very Revd Canon Allan Maclean, retired in October 2020.  The Revd David Paton-Williams took on the role of Interim Pastor until the Revd John Penman was installed as our Priest-in-charge in June 2021. 

Andrew Milner served as interim Treasurer. Richard Inglis served as secretary until July 2021 when Bridget Campbell took on that role.

Pattern of worship

As at 30 September 2021 there were some 110 members of the congregation and a smaller number of communicant members.

The Rector and latterly Priest-in-charge was supported by assistant priests:  The Revd Dr Michael Hull and Fr William Mounsey. The Revd Linda Harknett  also provided support particularly in pastoral work. 

The clergy were supported by Christopher Hartley, Sacristan, and Niccolo Alianò, Assistant Sacristan.

The two regular organists were Les Shankland, Director of Music  and William Watt.  Ruth Stark co-ordinated musical activities.

Christina Paulson-Ellis and the Hon. Barnaby Miln organised the rotas for those taking services, and Andrew Milner and Ruth Stark organised the rotas for “Helping Hands”.  “Helping hands” from among our members welcomed the congregation, distributed and collected prayer and hymn books, assisted the Priest-in-charge during services, read lessons and prayers, tended the garden and outside spaces and prepared and served refreshments. Jenny Stewart and Christina Paulson-Ellis decorated our Church with flowers. 

The normal pattern of worship is the 1929 Scottish Prayer Book Eucharist on Sunday at 10.30am.   There is also Evensong at 6.00pm on Sundays, and the 1929 Eucharist on Thursdays at 11.00am. 

The life of St Vincent’s was again curtailed during this year by the restrictions imposed on account of the Covid 19 virus.  We were very grateful to all members of the clergy who led the continuation of our life together during the periods when our Church was closed. 

The Church was open for Sunday morning services from October to December 2020 but closed again from January to March 2021. The Church reopened for Palm Sunday and then resumed regular services on Sunday morning.  At first there was organ music but no congregational singing. Those attending had to remain 2 metres apart, and to wear face masks.  Congregational singing with masks resumed from August.  Thursday Eucharist and Evensong on Sunday restarted in August.

There was 1 wedding and 1 funeral.

The Hon. Barnaby Miln oversaw the Quinquennial Review of our building on which the report by Rosalind Taylor, architect, was received in October 2020.

In July we painted the wall behind the altar.  In August we installed an electric organ, formally the property of our late organist, George Hay, and gifted by the Hon. Barnaby Miln.  We acknowledged that better consultation and communication are needed about any future changes to our building. 

Other activities

Despite restrictions in place for some of the year, we were able to hold some events in our building.

We marked the installation of the Revd John Penman on 8 June with an outdoor reception. We held a Harvest Supper on 26 September.

The Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts at the Fringe was held in St Vincent’s with daily events from 15 to 21 August. Organised by the Edinburgh Sacred Arts Foundation under the direction of the Revd Professor Gordon Graham, the Festival was a programme of events including exhibitions, concerts, and talks and was opened and closed by special services.  Several features of our church including the stained glass, vestments and architecture were highlighted.

From July, it was again possible for our building to be used and let out for community and musical events  including teaching, recording, practice, musical performances and other events.  New users included Brownies and Guides.  Use of the building by external groups was supervised by the Hon. Barnaby Miln. 

The magazine, edited by David McDowell and available online and in hard copy, had 6 editions.  

The website ( is maintained by the Hon. Barnaby Miln and contains our calendar of forthcoming events, the current edition of our magazine, photographs and other information. It received an average of 43 hits per day and 24 of its 40 pages were updated or replaced.  Revd John Penman used our FaceBook page as a further resource for communication.

For part of the year Augusta Maclean was artist in residence and used the undercroft as a studio. Dr Harry Whalley  is composer in residence.

Oliver Thomas co-ordinated giving to 3 chosen charities:  Bethany Christian Trust, Aberlour Child Care Trust, and Sparkes Home, Sri Lanka. 

Financial affairs 

St Vincent’s relies heavily on the generosity of its members and the associated Gift Aid reclaim for most of its funding. Significant amounts have been generated by use of the church (in previous years) and from donations. Since the appointment of the Reverend John Penman on 1 June we have been paying a quarter stipend to our incumbent priest.  The Church building, whilst currently owned by a third party (the Commandery of Lochore), is now being transferred to the Vestry.  The cash account of the expendable endowment (provided by the Commandery of Lochore) and income from the SEC Unit Trust Pool have been used to maintain the fabric of the church.   In the year 2020/21 our total ‘unrestricted’ income was lower than the annual expenditure from those same ‘unrestricted’ funds.  

In 2020/21 general congregational giving was above the 2019/20 figure. Overall Church receipts were also above the previous year’s amount (13.6%) excluding the expendable endowment.  One year’s Gift Aid has been claimed. There was a decrease in income from public and private use of the Church for musical and other activities.   This continues to be attributed to the Covid 19 epidemic.  

Our unrestricted and undesignated reserves (bank account plus SEC unit trusts at market value) – that is, our basic financial safety net – are currently above the annual target equivalent to one year’s annual expenditure.  No additional monies have been added to the future clergy fund.  However, as most of the fund is held in SEC unit trusts, the current value of the SEC unit trusts indicates that this fund has increased by 86% since purchase in 2018 and 16% in the last year.  The value of units may rise as well as fall.  The Restricted Clergy Support fund has increased by 33%. This will start to decrease with regular stipendiary payments.  With the impending transfer of the building to the vestry the longer term objective is to ensure the building is properly maintained and to build up the Future Clergy Fund so that the income deriving from it can support not only the cost of at least a part stipend for a future priest and a contribution towards their accommodation.

Constitution and Vestry

The Constitution was adopted in 2007 and last amended in 2018.

The Rector (now Priest-in-charge) is a member of the Vestry ex officio; the Treasurer and Secretary are honorary members ex officio;  the Lay Representative  and Alternate lay Representatives are officers of the Vestry; up to 10 other members may be elected by the Congregation.  The Congregation are the communicants of at least sixteen years of age whose names are on the roll of communicants.  The roll is maintained by the Priest-in-charge.

The members of the Vestry are all charity trustees for the Charge and are responsible for the management of the secular affairs of St Vincent’s, including compliance with the requirements of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.

The Vestry met regularly and frequently during the year, mostly by Zoom.

The list of members appears at the beginning of this report.

The members of the Vestry are very grateful for all the assistance and support from members of the congregation during the year.

Unrestricted RestrictedExpendableTotalTotal
Voluntary receipts  
Church offerings  22,309   10,815   33,124   30,394 
Donations and gifts  2   1,933   1,933   223,815 
Gift aid reclaim  3,047   1,250   4,297   4,252 
  27,289   12,065   –     39,354   258,461 
Receipts from charitable activities
Public use of church  625   625   1,430 
Receipts from trading activities  –   
Private use of church  920   920   2,200 
Receipts from investments  –   
Bank/unit trust income  3   2,217   4,478   6,695   2,001 
Alan Maclean leaving fund  1,000   1,000 
Total receipts  31,051   13,065   4,478   48,594   264,092 
Payments for charitable activities
Church building  4   21,048   9,786   30,834   9,483 
Clergy support  5   4,753   4,753   5,548 
Church services  6   5,514   5,514   6,531 
Other church expenses  7   4,212   4,212   4,891 
Donations  8   2,162   2,162   2,668 
  32,936   4,753   9,786   47,475   29,121 
Legal fees endowment payment  –     6,103 
Purchase SEC UTP units admin  –     –     –     484 
Purchase of fixed assets  –     –     –     –     –   
Purchase SEC UPT units  –     –     –     193,516 
Total payments  32,936   4,753   9,786   47,475   229,224 
Surplus (Deficit) for the year– 1,885   8,312 – 5,308   1,119   34,868 
FUNDS RECONCILIATIONGeneralDesignatedRestrictedExpendableTotal Total 
fundsfundfunds/Endowment 20212020
Balance at beginning of year  11,737   649   25,114   20,065   57,566   22,698 
Surplus (Deficit) for the year– 1,885   8,312 – 5,308   1,119   34,868 
Transfer between funds  579 – 649   70   –     –     –   
Balance at end of year  10,431   33,496   14,757   58,684   57,566 
General Current Account  43,927   37,500 
Endowment Current Account  14,757   20,066 
  58,684   57,566 
INVESTMENTScostmarket market 
SEC units General Fund  26,855   49,860   42,989 
Designated Fund  33,000   61,269   52,825 
  59,855   111,129   95,814 
SEC UPT UnitsExpendable Endowment Fund  193,516   224,446   193,516 
  253,371   335,575   289,330 
FIXED ASSETS Unrestricted Funds££
Renovated kitchen and toilet facilities  17,172   17,172 
Additions to and improvement of building  13,114   13,114 
Vestment cupboards, inc £1000 gift in 2012/13  3,737   3,737 
Furnishings(provision of additional external bench and disability ramp 2017)  7,064   7,064 
Domestic and other equipment(fire ext+water heater 2017)(fire ext+sprinkler 2018)  2,347   2,347 
Replacement stone crosses  4,856   4,856 
Piano+frame Jul-19  6,414   6,414 
  54,704   54,704 
All items listed at cost. Items 1, 2, 3, & 6 have effectively become non-removable parts of the church building.
Debtors  –     –   
LiabilitiesTo A Maclean leaving fund  1,000   –   
  –     –   
The notes on the following pages form an integral part of these accounts
Approved by the Vestry on 25 th November 2021 and signed on their behalf
A G MilnerJames Holloway
Locum TreasurerActing Chairman



1.           General information

Basis of preparation

The accounts have been prepared on a receipts and payments basis. They comprise a summary of all monies received and paid through the bank and in cash by the church during the financial year, together with a statement of balances. No adjustments have been made for any income due but not yet received, nor for any expenses incurred but not yet paid at the year end. Fixed assets are not capitalised, but a summary is included in the accounts.


Unrestricted funds are those that may be used at the discretion of the Vestry in furtherance of the church’s objectives. In pursuance of its Reserves Policy the Vestry aims to keep one  year’s expenditure in general unrestricted funds, to guard against any decline in income, particularly that associated with changes in membership of the church. The uninvested sum has decreased in 2020/21. Although included in general funds, the Vestry has decided that any legacies received should be earmarked to ensure that they are retained for purposes which it believes are appropriate to the donor.  The legacy fund currently stands at zero. 

A designated Future Clergy Fund was created in the financial year 2015/16.  The aim is to build it up to provide both support and housing for future clergy. 

Restricted funds may only be used for specific purposes. Restrictions arise when specified by the donor or when funds are raised for specific purposes. During the year the church continued to receive offerings specifically intended for support of the clergy.  As in the previous year these were credited to a restricted Clergy Support Fund, to which the relevant costs incurred during the year were charged. 

Designated and restricted funds are shown separately in the Statement of Balances.

Church building 

The church building is not owned by the Vestry, but by a completely separate independent trust over which neither the Vestry nor any of its members has currently any control. However the building is currently undergoing the conveyancing process to allow the Vestry to take ownership of it.  

The expendable endowment fund established in 2020 following the transfer of funds from the Commandery of Lochore had a cash balance of £20,065 at the start of the financial year.  At the end of the financial year this stood at £14757 following payments for architects’ fees and fabric maintenance and receipts from the SEC Unit Trust Pool.  

Special collections

During the year, the church did not make special collections for charitable and other purposes other than the installation of the Priest. 2 sums were received.  These were banked and paid out to the organisation for which it was collected. It is not included in the receipts and payments of the church, as the church was acting as an agent for a third party. Details of the special collection is given in Note 10.


No costs were incurred for fundraising, governance or in respect of trading activities. 

2.           Donations and gifts £                                         £

General donations19003601


3.            Receipts from investments

The Clergy Funds and a part of the church’s general funds have been held in a Scottish Episcopal Church unit trust since March 2017.  Dividend intertest from the unit trust was received on 23.02.21 & 23.08.21.

4.         Church building

Repairs and refurbishment131971493
Rent, insurance and rates2701604


In addition £9786 was expended from the Commandery account on building repairs and architect’s fees.

5.         Clergy costs

Honorarium AM7503000
JP stipend plus pension3123
Clergy, associate & locum clergy,8802549


6.         Church services

Organists and music47655776
Flowers, service sheets, etc250374
Materials/worship related costs 498381


7.         Other church expenses

Diocesan quota30343169
Magazines and publications169174


8.         Donations

WaterAid, Aberlour, Bethany Christian Trust, Sparkes Home18872668
Sacred Arts Foundation00
Special charitable appeals/collections2750


9.          Purchase of Assets


10.        Special collections

During the year the church made no special collections other than the collection taken at the installation of the Rev John Penman.  This was forwarded to the Diocese of Edinburgh. This sum is not shown in these accounts but is listed below. 

Bishop’s Lent Appeal00
Bethany Christian Trust, Aberlour050
Other Charities820


11.        Remuneration, expenses and declarations interest of Vestry members

None of the Vestry members received remuneration in respect of their position as Vestry members. Payments totalling £830 were made to our former Chairman in his capacity as Priest in Charge until his retirement in October 2020.  This consisted of an honorarium and remuneration for 2 church services taken.  In addition he was paid £84.55 for expenses related to his work. Our new Priest in Charge became a member of the Vestry on his installation on 1st June 2021.  He is being paid a one quarter stipend and corresponding pension contributions since then.  Vestry member Augusta Maclean, as artist in residence, used the ‘undercroft’ during the year 2020/21 but has since vacated the space. 

Independent Examiner’s Report to the Vestry of St Vincent’s Chapel, Stockbridge

Registered Charity number SC023274

I report on the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 30 September 2021 which are set out on pages ? to ?. 

Respective responsibilities of Trustees and Examiner 

The Vestry is responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the terms of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. The Vestry considers that the audit requirement of Regulation 10(1)(d) of the 2006 Regulations does not apply. It is my responsibility to examine the accounts as required under section (44)(1)(c) of the Act and to state whether particular matters have come to my attention. 

Basis of Independent Examiner’s Statement 

My examination is carried out in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts and seeks explanations from the trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit and, consequently, I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts. 

Independent Examiner’s Statement 

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:­

1 which gives me reasonable cause to believe that, in any material respect, the requirements:­

  • to keep accounting records in accordance with section 44(1)(a) of the 2005 Act and Regulation 4 of the 2006 Regulations, and 
  • to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with Regulation 9 of the 2006 Regulations

 have not been met, or 

2 to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached. 

Susan C Jarvie 

2 Ainslie Place



St Vincent's Chapel, Edinburgh, the village church at the heart of the city.