The Consul-General of Poland is seen speaking at the Office Launch of the first Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the Fringe held at St Vincent’s between12th and 18th August 2018. Watching, from left, is Sir Timothy O’Shea, chair of the Edinburgh Fringe Society, Deirdre Brock MP, the Bishop of Edinburgh, the Hon Barnaby Miln, the Reverend Professor Gordon Graham (Director of the Sacred Arts Festival), the Rector of St Vincent’s Canon Allan Maclean and the Reverend John Cowie, Minister of Stockbridge Parish Church.Following the opening of the Icon Exhibition by the Consul-General of Poland Mr Ireneusz Truszkowski, icon artists Basia Mindewicz (in the centre) and Anna Makać (front right) talk to their guests at St Vincent’s on Monday 13th August 2018.The icons are shown prior to the opening of exhibition, held in the north transept of St Vincent’s between 12th and 19th August 2018 as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the Fringe.The Art of the Icon and European Christian Painting was the subject of an illustrated lecture given by the Reverend Professor Gordon Graham at St Vincent’s on Monday 13th August 2018 as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the Fringe. Gordon Graham is Director of the Sacred Arts Festival. His latest book Philosophy Art and Religion is published by Cambridge University Press.Guests in the Refectory of St Vincent’s on Monday 13th August 2018 following the Official Opening of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the Fringe. To the left, the Bishop of Edinburgh is seen talking to the Rector of St Vincent’s Canon Allan Maclean and the Hon Barnaby Miln, a member of the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church.The Hon Barnaby Miln (Property Convener), Niccolò Aliano (Assistant Sacristan) and the Bishop of Edinburgh in the Refectory of St Vincent’s on Monday 13th August 2018 following the Official Opening of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the Fringe.The Dean of the Diocese of Edinburgh, the Very Reverend Frances Burberry, opened the Floral Art for the Feast Day of Saint Mary on Wednesday 15th August 2018 with prayers, as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the Fringe. She is seen here the the Director of the Festival, the Reverend Professor Gordon Graham.Flower displays from six Edinburgh Scottish Episcopal churches, each with an appropriate theme, for the Feast Day of Saint Mary on Wednesday 15th August 2018 as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the FringeOne of the displays for the Feast Day of Saint Mary on Wednesday 15th August 2018 as part of the Edinburgh Festival of the Sacred Arts in the Fringe at St Vincent’s.In this picture are the two organisers of the Sacred Arts Festival, the Hon Barnaby Miln (left, Property Convener of St Vincent’s) is seen discussing progress with the Reverend Professor Gordon Graham, director of the Festival. at St Vincent’s on Wednesday 15th August 2018.