Zoom Event: Acting like a Christian
How is acting like a Christian different from acting like everyone else? Jesus says that everyone will know his disciples by their love. How are his disciples known in the twenty-first century by that criterion?
Michael Hull, SEI’s Director of Studies, will facilitate a discussion titled ‘What does it mean to love like a Christian (John 13.34–35)?’ on Mondays from 7pm to 8pm, on Zoom.
“For five Monday evenings in Lent, we will consider these questions,” says Rev Dr Michael Hull. “We will look to the sources of Christian ethics: to God’s revelation in the Bible and in the world. We will look to constructively critical voices from scientists, philosophers and theologians. We will try to articulate principles to guide Christian behaviour as individuals and communities, to identify what place such principles have in the public square as opposed to private life, and to develop some facility to apply such principles to contemporary ethical questions.”